Types of Coffee Machines to Choose From
You can find five types of espresso coffee machines when you’re out hunting in supermarkets. Read on and find out such types.
First, stovetop espresso makers. They are also known as stovetop percolators. They are perfect if you’re the type who likes your occasional espresso. Additionally, you can bring it out in the woods. They are portable and aren’t space-consuming. You can use them sans electricity. However, there are some drawbacks, one of them is that this type of coffee machine can only make one cup at a time. It should cool down first before you can make another one. Also, it cannot make that wonderful crema that many coffee drinkers like. Plus, this type of machine is quite pricey.
Second, piston driven espresso makers. They can be compared to the original espresso makers from way back. The beautiful crema that we all love can be traced back to this. Nevertheless, the piston driven espresso machine requires more manual work.
Third, the pump driven espresso makers. They are the most commercially popular ones. They are typically plumbed to the water source, and they have this timing device so as to be sure that each espresso shot pulled has similar quality.
Fourth are automatic and super automatic espresso machines. They are the most recently launched in the market. Such type of machines can do practically anything. They can even grind the coffee beans. They are the priciest among all, and they are the most complicated when damaged. They are also space-consuming.
Espresso makers can actually be a sort of an investment. Some may cost you to shell out a sizeable amount of money, but you will be guaranteed that you get quality products that would be able to give you coffee enjoyment for years.