Tidbits About Gourmet Coffee Beans

Choosing the perfect gourmet coffee beans may seem quite difficult especially if you have a really discriminating taste. But that’s not always the case. Here are some tips you can heed.

First, get to know more about gourmet coffee beans. Know that not all coffee beans are grown in just one particular area in the world. That being said, bear in mind that the quality of coffee beans hugely depend on the place they are grown, cultivated, and processed. By the way, the word “gourmet” is used to classify a food or drink according to the rarity or specialty.

There are more than 6,000 variants of coffee beans, and only a few are considered “gourmet”. Arabica and Robusta are among them, they are the most commonly used worldwide.

Arabica beans are popular for their body and subtle flavor. These beans are cultivated in Central and South America. They are fragile though as they are vulnerable to certain disease, pests, and the like so cultivating them needs more devotion and attention.

Robusta beans, true to their name, have robust flavors and strong aroma. They are cultivated in Indonesia, Brazil, Africa, and Vietnam. The plant is sturdy and resilient unlike Arabica beans.

These two are just example of the many flavorful coffee beans. Each type can give you a different coffee experience. If I were you, Iā€™d try every coffee bean available so I would know which suits my liking best.

Gourmet coffee beans are generally more expensive than the usual ones found at the grocery store. But it’s not high-end coffee-shop expensive, so don’t worry. You can even avail of them online, and get the fresh coffee beans straight from the source. Coffee drinkers save significant amounts of money doing this, as compared to having your coffee run in luxurious coffee shops regularly.

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