Kopi Luwak
What sets Kopi Luwak apart from ordinary coffee is the involvement of Civet. A civet is small nocturnal mammal found in tropical Asia and Africa, particularly in the tropical forests. They eat fresh coffee berries but they can’t fully digest it, so they defecate the seed in its original form. The Civet droppings are then collected, cleaned, dried, roasted, and then ground.
Albeit the fact that Kopi Luwak is relatively similar to other coffee in other parts of the world, production-wise, it offers some unique characteristics. It has a rather lighter bitter taste to it as compared to other coffee which is allegedly caused by the absorption of the bitterness in the Civet’s digestion. It also offers an assortment of flavors that are all sweet. This particular way of coffee processing and the top-of-the-line quality of the final brew are the main reasons why Kopi Luwak is the most luxurious coffee in the world ever since, and still holds true today.
Kopi Luwak never undergoes intense roasting. A good brief roast is all it takes to come up with a flavor that is only one of its kind. As of the moment, the Sumatra region of Indonesia is the leading producer of Kopi Luwak.
The distinctiveness and exceptionality of coffee processed in such method paved way for the study in an attempt to find out why its brew is of such high quality. Such study showed that endogenous secretions of Civet penetrate into fresh coffee berries eaten by Civet. These secretions have enzymes that break down protein found in the berries causing higher levels of amino acids and less peptides and decrease in the bitterness, making it possible to come up with such unique flavor.
The safety of this particular method of processing coffee cause a stir at first because scientists believe that the fresh coffee berries go through the digestive system of Civet so there was a possibility that the defecated berries have organisms detrimental to human health. This can somehow be true, but it can be contraindicated by means of killing the microorganisms through thorough washing, drying, and roasting.
Processing this coffee takes a lot of time and effort as harvesters have to go collecting dropped clumps of coffee berries, no wonder Kopi Luwak is priced pretty high. People in Japan, USA, and certain parts of Asia are raving about this type of coffee. You can avail of Kopi Luwak in coffee outlets or selected coffee houses.
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Categories: Coffee Articles Tags: Civet, coffee, Kopi, kopi luwak, Luwak, Processing
Ideal Coffee Temperature
Coffee never fails to give you a different kind of kick in the morning or a very effective pick-me-upper during crucial times. But a lot of coffee drinkers are after its taste and flavor, so you should not take for granted the proper way to prepare your cup, including the temperature to serve it at. How does the temperature have influence on the flavor profile, you may ask.
Just so you know, coffee is best served at temperatures of 70°C to 80°C or 155°F to 175°F. A lot of people opt for the higher temperatures. It’s actually way higher than the ideal temperature of coffee. Many coffee shops even suggest to their patrons to have their coffee at 180°F to 190°F. A lot of customers are complaining because of their coffee being too hot.
Simply put, one of the main reasons why you need to change your game plan in terms of coffee drinking is that your coffee is served at too high temperature. That said, the coffee oils evaporate quickly so the coffee tends to lose its flavor quality as well. These essential oils, by the way, give your coffee the flavor and aroma most people are rooting for. It’s basically suggested to have your cup of coffee at 175°F in order for you to get the best out of your coffee.
If your coffee beans have excellent quality, don’t waste it by serving it in a non-ideal temperature. The temperature of the coffee actually has a huge impact of the coffee you drink. People who don’t reside in America believe that American coffee temperature range is tad too low for their taste as they typically want their coffee way hotter.
However, your coffee should not be too cold either. By making sure your coffee is at the right temperature, the quality of the coffee beans used is not altered.
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Types of Coffee Maker
When you plan on purchasing a new coffeemaker, know beforehand what exactly you want from it.
The most common and hassle-free type of coffeemaker is the automatic drip. To use it, you simply pour water in either the back or side, place a filter, fill it with coffee, push start, then you’re good to go. Its convenience is most certainly what people are raving about. It can yield single serving but it can also deliver to a bulk of people at a time. It’s just so easy to use that the only thing you need to worry about is the type of coffee beans you’ll be using.
Manual drip comes in second as the most used type of coffee maker. It is by some means similar to the automatic drip, only, you have to heat up and put in the water yourself manually, thus the name. You have to pour it into the holder where the coffee filter that contains coffee is situated. It drains into the pot and yet again, you’re good to go. This can come in handy to people who love the outdoors as it is extremely portable and you can heat the water practically any way you wish to.
Another type is the pod coffeemaker. Unlike a drip filter, it forces water throughout a pre-packed pod of coffee grounds. It can also draw out single servings of coffee at a time or brew coffee in bulk.
Grind and brew coffeemakers have gained more popularity lately. They aren’t called ‘grind and brew’ for no reason. They grind the coffee beans and then process them into the liquid coffee with the help of automated drip system.
For people who have a taste for finer things in life, espresso and cappuccino machines are a darling. Unlike the preceding typed of coffeemaker, this type is way pricier and it takes practice in order for you to work with them efficiently.
However, if you’re the type who want to stick to the good old percolators, vacuum brewers, and French presses, among many other conventional types, they are still available in the market.
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Categories: Coffee Articles Tags: Best Coffee Maker, coffee maker, Coffeemaker, types
Mobile Coffee
Whatever affair or celebration it is you’re throwing, the main thing to take into consideration is getting and keeping your guests entertained. There are times when business-inclined people host events as a part of their marketing strategy, to meet new people, or to run into business opportunities. That said, you can only meet your objectives if people who come over to your party are satisfied and happy.
There are different kinds of events being thrown by these business people, and more often than not, it depends on the type of industry you have and the people who are most likely be attending.
Among the priorities in arranging any type of event are the food and drink. Thus, you must make sure you only ask service from trusted catering facilities. If you’re not planning on offering food, at least have good supply of drinks.
If you are looking to hold an even in a cold environment, you wouldn’t want your guests to get chills because of the temperature. Have the decency to keep everyone warm with a hot cup of drink. This is where mobile coffee comes into the picture.
Reaching companies that offer mobile coffee options is generally trouble-free. Many of them provide an array of hot beverages to suit every discriminating palate. The event is all about making a good impression and impact on your guests. Suffice it to say, hire a coffee company that only offers top-of-the-line hot drinks instead of just opting for a good ol’ boring vending machine. By doing so, you are sure to have happy (and warm) guests.
Drinks are just among the many factors to consider in holding such events. You can always ask for some advice from people around you and those that you know are experienced with this kind of stuff. Always put yourself in the shoes of the guests that are coming over, so you can imagine what it is that they’re looking for when going to such affairs. Collaborate with the mobile coffee company that offer excellent hot drinks and your event is sure to be remembered.
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Categories: Coffee Articles Tags: coffee, Mobile, Party
Gourmet Black Coffee
We are always on the hunt for something different or something that would make us standout from the ordinary, even with regard to our taste in coffee. Gourmet black coffee never fails to meet your excellent standards.
Gourmet black coffee has substantial oils that are yielded by its intricate roasting and these give your coffee intense and robust flavors. People, especially true blue coffee lovers, are raving about it. Aside from the strong flavor that many coffee lovers are rooting for, gourmet black coffee has many different health benefits to offer.
One of these benefits is the antioxidants. These antioxidants fight free radicals that cause cell damage. Coffee is proven to contain more antioxidants than green tea does, so to speak.
As a matter of fact, coffee is proven to cut down your risk of developing Gallstones, and even Diabetes, if you consume this kind of coffee on a regular basis. Also, coffee has long been used as a remedy for migraines and certain typed of headache as it contains caffeine which is a common ingredient in many prescription and over-the-counter medications.
And besides all the nutritional benefits, coffee is mostly used for leisure. It just brings a different sense of relaxation. After a long tiring day, isn’t it very comforting and calming to have a hot cup of black coffee? It never fails to release tension from the stress of the day.
This may not work for people who love their coffee sweet or mild. But it sure does deliver to those who love the full flavor and the intensity of black coffee, plus its very appealing aroma.
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Categories: Coffee Articles Tags: Black, Black Coffee, coffee, Gourmet, Gourmet Black Coffee
Decaffeinated Coffee
Coffee almost always perks anyone up in the morning. The caffeine in it gives the kick we all love. Unfortunately to some, caffeine causes unlikeable effects such as palpitations. In spite of it, some people just can’t rid themselves of coffee because of its pleasurable flavor, since they can always go for decaffeinated coffee.
Caffeine can affect one’s nervous system that’s why it is often used as a pick-me-upper. It gives us the alertness we need in order for us to concentrate on our daily tasks. It can penetrate into the bloodstream temporarily since it can be excreted.
Another good thing about it is that it can help relieve headache, it adds up to the effectiveness of analgesics and majority of migraine medications have it as an ingredient.
However, its stimulatory effects can also be the disadvantage. Caffeine, especially in massive amounts, can cause major tension and anxiety and can also increase the production of urine and gastric acid. Consuming caffeinated drinks before hitting the sack also causes insomnia which makes our performance the following day suffer. Another serious thing it can cause is arrhythmia, especially to people with heart conditions.
When you become dependent on caffeine and abruptly rid yourself of it, you might have withdrawal symptoms which include depression and fatigue.
Decaffeination is done through a chemical process. For example, a coffee bean is run through water or a steam to make it swell. Caffeine is then extracted using water or any solvent. After which, the beans are washed to remove the solvents, then dried thereafter. It can then be roasted.
The process dramatically lowers the amount of caffeine in a product without disturbing the flavor. By then, caffeine-sensitive people can tolerate it due to it caffeine content being very little already. It may still stimulate but the effects are very minimal.
All the coffee lovers today can enjoy their cup of Joe, be it the strong caffeinated version or the mild and decaffeinated yet still flavorful.
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Health Benefits of Coffee
For a very long time, coffee used to be synonymous to poor health. As it turns out, coffee drinking has its health benefits in both the short and long term. However, coffee consumption still poses risk in certain cases like almost everything else, but not as morbid as what is popularly believed, and the good outweigh the bad.
Coffee is known for its antioxidant properties, it even has more content of such compared to green tea. These antioxidants, which fight free-radicals that cause irreversible cellular damage, have anti-cancer effects. Research says that coffee drinkers are half as likely to get liver cancer as nondrinkers. It also decreases the vulnerability to colon, breast, and rectal cancer. Coffee is also loaded with the compound methylpyridinium, which helps in combating cancer.
Heavy drinkers (those who drink three to six cups or more daily) cut the risk of having Diabetes down by 54% for men and 30% for women. Coffee contains compounds called quinines which are said to improve the body’s response to insulin. It also helps in increasing your resting metabolism rate which also helps in preventing Diabetes.
Male drinkers who consume at least 2 cups of coffee per day may reduce the risk of developing Gallstones by 40% while the female counterpart can lower it down by up to 25%. Coffee drinkers who can consume about 4 or more cups can have 45% lower risk.
Coffee has long been used as a remedy for migraines and cluster headaches as it contains caffeine which is a common ingredient in many prescription and over-the-counter medications. Caffeine makes pain relievers about 40% more effective and makes it easier for them to be absorbed by the body, bringing about faster relief.
The caffeine in coffee helps boost the metabolism causing you to burn more calories. In addition, coffee can give an oomph to your mood and energy which makes you feel more like being active than being lazy which leads you to do activities that eventually promotes weight loss. However, coffee alone does not make you figure-perfect. Diet and exercise are still the most effective measures to achieving the body you want. Coffee just helps facilitate the process.
More than giving us the energy boost we need in the morning, coffee provides benefits that we never imagined were there. Who would have thought you could have your morning java run and instantly get picked-up and gain major health benefits in the long run? Just always keep in mind that moderation is key. Even the healthiest food known to man, when consumed in unacceptable amounts, can cause major health problems.
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Categories: Coffee Articles Tags: Healthy Coffee, Healthy Functional Beverage, Nutrition, Nutrition Facts
Coffee: The History of the Bean
Coffee and caffeinated drinks are the most popular drink choices in North America and Europe, but neither of these continents actually produces the grains that are used to make coffee, called coffee beans, and these beans have a long history that comes with them.
According to Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_coffee), the history dates all the way back to the ninth century after Christ, and at that time it was merely cultivated in the Ethiopian region in Africa by the highlanders, and it is said that they were the first to discover the food quality and energizing effect of the coffee plant.
Later in the fifteenth century and with the growing of merchants traveling more, coffee arrived in the northern parts of Africa and all the way to Yemen, and about a century later coffee arrived in Italy at the port of Venice from the Middle East, and from Venice it was introduced to the rest of Europe becoming an instantly popular beverage despite the bitter taste. Always according to Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_coffee) it became even more popular especially in the higher ranks of society when Pope Clement VIII decided to deem it a “Christian drink”, and the first coffee house opened in 1645 in Italy, and even today coffee is considered a national drink in Italy. And the first exports of Indonesian coffee from Java to the north of Europe occurred in the 18th century.
In North America, coffee arrived during the colonial period but it was not an instant hit like it had been over in the old continent. But eventually during the revolutionary war between the years of 1775 to 1783, according to Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_coffee) the demand for coffee increased so much that the dealers were left no choice but to increases their prices drastically especially since the British had cut off tea supplies, and so the taste for coffee began to grow.
According to Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_coffee) different Third World countries have coffee as their main export product and therefore their main cash profit as it is a necessity for a lot of us in the mornings to get that jump start. Some of the main African countries that produce different kinds of coffee beans are Ethiopia, Uganda, Burundi and Rwanda and in Central and South America some of the countries are Honduras. Guatemala, Brazil and Peru and in Asia the Taiwan, Vietnam and the Philippines to name a few; all these countries are very close to the Equator and they are known as the “coffee belt”.
Written by sabrinacareer
Categories: Coffee Articles Tags: Bean, coffee, History
How To Find The Best Coffee Makers
Article by Brian Jones
Almost everyone loves coffee and there are times that these people would want to make the same type of store brewed coffee at home. The problem is that almost every coffee store has claimed that their coffeemakers are the “best” or “unrivaled”. It tends to get confusing if you don’t know what to look for. Here are some guidelines so that you don’t lose your way.
Know what you want
The first rule about choosing a coffeemaker is you preference. What type of coffee do you drink everyday? Can you make the same type of coffee everyday? Do you have the time to prepare the coffee yourself? Simple things like these can help define what type of a coffee drinker you are you and from there make your choices.
Know your budget
One reason why you might want to get a coffeemaker is that you would like to save on coffee costs at the local coffee house. You would use this coffeemaker to get the same quality coffee while at home and save you the trouble of going out all the time. Once you have determined your spending budget, you can start shopping around for one that would fit. Sometimes you may have to spend a bit more for some accessories but that’s really up to you. One way to save on shopping time is to go online and browse at several shopping sites.
Who knows, you may see the coffeemaker you are looking for on sale!Coffeemakers occupy a bit of space in your kitchen so you have to see if the one you plan to bring home would fit. It may seem trivial but you would be surprised how some people misjudge this aspect.
More often than not they don’t have any space to place and run the coffeemaker. If you don’t have space then you could opt to do some shelf or table modification but this would lead to more costs. Look for a coffeemaker that isn’t too big and can suit your demand of coffee per day.
Single serve or double serve?
Once you have decided where t place the coffeemaker, you have to check the way the coffeemaker operates. Are there a lot of buttons to pres or things that have to be done before you start brewing. One rule is that the coffeemaker must be easy for you to use in less than five minutes. If it takes longer then probably it is too complex for you.
Stick with a brand?
There are many coffee makers out there that have different brand names. It doesn’t mean that the most expensive or the most recognized is the best. Yes, they can be used for reference or as a guide but it doesn’t man that it’s the best choice. Who knows? You could very well get a brandless one but love the way it brews your coffee.
There are some smaller service coffee shops that specialize in making single serve coffee makers while others only opt for two. One thing that you have to be sure of is that at the end of the day is it worth it to make coffee at home?
Visit these sites if you want more information about best coffee makers or how to clean a coffee maker in particular.
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